Private Cloud Forest Tours

Private Cloud Forest Tours

Nestled high atop the tropical forests of Costa Rica is the Kindred Spirit Cloud Forest Reserve, offering visitors the unique opportunity to experience the majesty of a cloud forest at your own pace and in the peace and tranquility that such a breathtaking and serene environment warrants.

You will experience the most dazzling array of nature, sharing the very same eco-system and mountain range as the much more congested reserves of the Monteverde area, but all within the boundaries of essentially, your very own cloud forest reserve!

Access to the Kindred Spirit Reserve is but minutes outside of centrally located San Ramon, and is easily accessed by vehicles of all types, avoiding the spine-tingling winding mountain roads often associated with reaching other high altitude cloud forests.

Reservations are a must, as the number of visitors is strictly limited to only 24 guests per week (no more than eight per day), so as to lessen the impact of hiking through such a fragile ecosystem.

Private Reserve Cloud Forest experience

Your exclusive group will be escorted by a nature guide experienced with the fauna and flora along the winding forest trails and breathtaking rest areas, many named in honor of conservation icons such as Dr. Jane Goodall, Bernard Grzimek, David Attenborough, Greta Thunberg, Jacques Cousteau and others whose activism and efforts on behalf of the world’s natural resources have secured their inclusion on the Reserve’s “Trails of Remembrance”. (Ask for details about how you can honor your own nature lovers on these very same trails.)

This unique cloud forest adventure was created by noted conservationists, whose aim was to try as best they could to provide as similar an experience as possible, as one would upon discovering such a virgin paradise hundreds of years ago. True exploration in the midst of an avalanche of natural sights and sounds, that shall create memories that will last a lifetime.

Some of the world’s most impressive species have been photographed on the very trails you will travel. The exceedingly rare tapir (reported to number less than 4000 animals worldwide) has been seen, along with numerous cat species including the puma, margay and ocelot, agoutis, monkeys and countless others all walk the very trails you will be guided along. Bird life in this particular mountain range is legendary. Hundreds of tropical and migrant species counted here, including the much sought after Resplendent Quetzal, toucans, parrots, raptors and a slew of hummingbird species found throughout the reserve.

Upon your arrival you will be greeted with an assortment of fresh fruit to enjoy during your forest adventure. For those who so desire, there are rubber boots available for your use at no additional charge. Your guided tour will last an estimated 2 ½ - 3 hours followed by lunch served in a special forested oasis, or in the indoor dining area during inclement weather.

This experience has been designed and is operated by lifelong conservationists, who have been part of landmark ethological research, as well as residents of rural Costa Rica for three decades. Funds from this experience are used almost entirely to further reforesting and other conservation efforts to help save the endangered cloud forests.