Gift a Tree

Gift a Tree

 When you buy  any plaque product it assists with our reforestation efforts.  Thus your recognition plaque is like gifting a tree. 

Trees have been selected that benefit wildlife in the area.   

We are planting:

  • Citharexylum Costaricensis, known as "Lady" or "Dama," is a fast-growing, fragrant tree.  It is visited by moths at night, and it's fruit attracts over 20 bird species. The ripe fallen fruit attracts small species and insects.
  • The " Aguacatillo,"  or little avocado, tree  is a critically important food source for some of Costa Rica’s most spectacular fruit-eating birds, including the Resplendant Quetzal, Black Guan, Bare-necked Umbrellabird, and Three-wattled Bellbird, among others. They are fast growing and do well and are found within the cloud forest. 

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