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Trails of Heroes

A Unique and Enduring Way to Honor Those With A Love of Nature

“Trails of Heroes”, located within the Kindred Spirit Cloud Forest Reserve in Costa Rica, gives you the opportunity to honor those who have / had a ...

Private Cloud Forest Tours

Nestled high atop the tropical forests of Costa Rica is the Kindred Spirit Cloud Forest Reserve, offering visitors the unique opportunity to experience ...

Homage and Conservation

The natural beauty of Costa Rican cloud forests is world-renowned. Those who enter into its magical grasp are inspired and energized. The sheer majesty of ...

The Trails of Heroes

The Trails of Heroes
Celebrate a Special Occasion

The Trails of Heroes

Meet the Team

Executive Director

Ethologist / Conservationist / Nature Photographer

It has indeed been a long and interesting journey leading to the creation of the “Trails of Remembrance”.

More than a half century of involvement in conservation related endeavors have resulted in my crossing paths with some of the most inspiring and iconic individuals the world has ever known.

From my mentor and longtime friend Jane Goodall, to Dr. Bernard Grzimek and Joy and George Adamson who all were instrumental in changing the manner in which we now view wildlife.

In effect, the examples and inspiration I gleaned from these individuals have led to the forest conservation and creation of the Trails of Remembrance.

Dame Goodall, oft quoted as saying that each and every one of us makes a difference every day, and that it is up to us to decide what sort of difference that shall be.

As a New York City teen, I came to realize the pervasive injustices throughout society. Thus, proposing an organization called S.T.O.P. “The Society to Omit Prejudice”. Increasingly I would come to realize that the greatest injustices were arguably associated with the natural world.

The assault on the air and water that we all share as well as the specific targeting of species, both flora and fauna, would play the biggest role in my lifelong activities.

Stretching far and wide, this attitude of concern has evolved into a lifetime of involvement. Efforts that have included creating the “Live Aid / We are the World” era effort for African famine relief (“Serving for Hunger: Professional Tennis Cares”) to my participation in the Standing Rock pipeline dispute and perhaps most famously, my unique success in “rewilding” Hackenbush, a zoo born Anubis baboon to a free-living troop in East Africa.

These efforts have all had raising awareness to the serious issues facing the natural world as a central theme. “Last Chance At Standing Rock” was a true story I published aimed at young adult readers concerning the plight of wild horses in the US. For many years I focused my attention on creating “corridors” between protected reserves of Costa Rica. Former farm and ranchland were secured and allowed to return to a more natural and inviting habitat for numerous species.

With my well documented commitment to the environment for more than six decades, you can be assured that this “swan song” project, will receive the most stringent and comprehensive attention of any project yet. Together we can provide an enduring memory for that most special nature lover on the Trails of Remembrance.

Philip Ketover

Executive Director

Ethologist / Conservationist / Nature Photographer

It has indeed been a long and interesting journey leading to the creation of the “Trails of Remembrance”.

More than a half century of involvement in conservation related endeavors have resulted in my crossing paths with some of the most inspiring and iconic individuals the world has ever known.

From my mentor and longtime friend Jane Goodall, to Dr. Bernard Grzimek and Joy and George Adamson who all were instrumental in changing the manner in which we now view wildlife.

In effect, the examples and inspiration I gleaned from these individuals have led to the forest conservation and creation of the Trails of Remembrance.

Dame Goodall, oft quoted as saying that each and every one of us makes a difference every day, and that it is up to us to decide what sort of difference that shall be.

As a New York City teen, I came to realize the pervasive injustices throughout society. Thus, proposing an organization called S.T.O.P. “The Society to Omit Prejudice”. Increasingly I would come to realize that the greatest injustices were arguably associated with the natural world.

The assault on the air and water that we all share as well as the specific targeting of species, both flora and fauna, would play the biggest role in my lifelong activities.

Stretching far and wide, this attitude of concern has evolved into a lifetime of involvement. Efforts that have included creating the “Live Aid / We are the World” era effort for African famine relief (“Serving for Hunger: Professional Tennis Cares”) to my participation in the Standing Rock pipeline dispute and perhaps most famously, my unique success in “rewilding” Hackenbush, a zoo born Anubis baboon to a free-living troop in East Africa.

These efforts have all had raising awareness to the serious issues facing the natural world as a central theme. “Last Chance At Standing Rock” was a true story I published aimed at young adult readers concerning the plight of wild horses in the US. For many years I focused my attention on creating “corridors” between protected reserves of Costa Rica. Former farm and ranchland were secured and allowed to return to a more natural and inviting habitat for numerous species.

With my well documented commitment to the environment for more than six decades, you can be assured that this “swan song” project, will receive the most stringent and comprehensive attention of any project yet. Together we can provide an enduring memory for that most special nature lover on the Trails of Remembrance.

Philip Ketover

Administration - Financial Director

Conservationist /Artist / Animal Researcher

As a young girl growing up in Argentina, the trees often beckoned me. Sitting on this perch for hour after hour led to dreams of a life spent caring for animals.

Dogs, cats and horses were the extent of my youthful interactions with the animal world . . . but, that would soon change in ways I could never have ever imagined.

It wasn't long after moving back to the US that I would evolve from the rather typical 9 to 5 worker to a life that can be best described as non-stop adventure.

Could I possibly have ever imagined that mere months after meeting Philip in Colorado, we would together be undertaking an as yet never achieved effort to rehabilitate a zoo born baboon to the wild - necessitating our living in a tent in the middle of the African bush!

Though perhaps, it should not have been totally unexpected. I soon had realized that my relationship would include my becoming a "step mom" of sorts to a menagerie of rescued animals. A full grown African lion, rescued from a pet shop as a small cub; two mountain lions, who had similarly been removed from the pet trade; and, Hackenbush, a zoo born baboon to whom I would soon become a surrogate mother, during his training and eventual release to a wild troop.

There have been numerous other creatures to have come and gone during the ensuing forty five years.

Increasingly, the art projects I have been creating for a lifetime became much more focused on conservation and wildlife themes. Including a series of endangered species, with the purpose of further raising awareness to the plight of the many threatened species.

Take pride in having been instrumental in creating the very first community based recycling project in Costa Rica. Now, thirty years later the program has spread to virtually every corner of the country and is providing a manner in which all may recycle as well as realizing much needed financial gain for these communities in doing so.

Now, our attention once again is on the direct protection of wildlife and their habitat. Focused on providing a safe and secure cloud forest habitat in the Kindred Spirit Cloud Forest, for the many endemic species of this wonderland.

Janet Martz

Administration - Financial Director

Conservationist /Artist / Animal Researcher

As a young girl growing up in Argentina, the trees often beckoned me. Sitting on this perch for hour after hour led to dreams of a life spent caring for animals.

Dogs, cats and horses were the extent of my youthful interactions with the animal world . . . but, that would soon change in ways I could never have ever imagined.

It wasn't long after moving back to the US that I would evolve from the rather typical 9 to 5 worker to a life that can be best described as non-stop adventure.

Could I possibly have ever imagined that mere months after meeting Philip in Colorado, we would together be undertaking an as yet never achieved effort to rehabilitate a zoo born baboon to the wild - necessitating our living in a tent in the middle of the African bush!

Though perhaps, it should not have been totally unexpected. I soon had realized that my relationship would include my becoming a "step mom" of sorts to a menagerie of rescued animals. A full grown African lion, rescued from a pet shop as a small cub; two mountain lions, who had similarly been removed from the pet trade; and, Hackenbush, a zoo born baboon to whom I would soon become a surrogate mother, during his training and eventual release to a wild troop.

There have been numerous other creatures to have come and gone during the ensuing forty five years.

Increasingly, the art projects I have been creating for a lifetime became much more focused on conservation and wildlife themes. Including a series of endangered species, with the purpose of further raising awareness to the plight of the many threatened species.

Take pride in having been instrumental in creating the very first community based recycling project in Costa Rica. Now, thirty years later the program has spread to virtually every corner of the country and is providing a manner in which all may recycle as well as realizing much needed financial gain for these communities in doing so.

Now, our attention once again is on the direct protection of wildlife and their habitat. Focused on providing a safe and secure cloud forest habitat in the Kindred Spirit Cloud Forest, for the many endemic species of this wonderland.

Janet Martz

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Wielhelm Diermissen

10 October 2024
24 minutes ago

Shanda Farrell

18 August 2024
2 months ago
Such a beautiful property and forest. It is by reservation only and we happened to be the only visitors when we were there. Lots of trails. Make sure to get a g...
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